WARNING: This page is a guide for 1.x series.


Query API

There are various query APIs. All of them (single, first, list and foreach) will execute java.sql.PreparedStatement#executeQuery().

Single / Optional Result for Query

single returns matched single row as an Option value. If matched rows is not single, Exception will be thrown.

import scalikejdbc._, SQLInterpolation._

val id = 123

// simple example
val name: Option[String] = DB readOnly { implicit session =>
  sql"select name from emp where id = ${id}".map(rs => rs.string("name")).single.apply()

// defined mapper as a function
val nameOnly = (rs: WrappedResultSet) => rs.string("name")
val name: Option[String] = DB readOnly { implicit session =>
  sql"select name from emp where id = ${id}".map(nameOnly).single.apply()

// define a class to map the result
case class Emp(id: String, name: String)
val emp: Option[Emp] = DB readOnly { implicit session =>
  sql"select id, name from emp where id = ${id}"
    .map(rs => Emp(rs.string("id"), rs.string("name"))).single.apply()

// QueryDSL
object Emp extends SQLSyntaxSupport[Emp] {
  def apply(e: ResultName[Emp])(rs: WrappedResultSet): Emp = new Emp(id = rs.get(e.id), name = rs.get(e.name))
val e = Emp.syntax("e")
val emp: Option[Emp] = DB readOnly { implicit session =>
  withSQL { select.from(Emp as e).where.eq(e.id, id) }.map(Emp(e.resultName)).single.apply()

You can learn about QueryDSL in detail here:


First Result from Multiple Results

first returns the first row of matched rows as an Option value.

val name: Option[String] = DB readOnly { implicit session =>
  sql"select name from emp".map(rs => rs.string("name")).first.apply()

val e = Emp.syntax("e")
val name: Option[String] = DB readOnly { implicit session =>
  withSQL { select(e.result.name).from(Emp as e) }.map(_.string(e.name)).first.apply()

List Results

list returns matched multiple rows as scala.collection.immutable.List.

val name: List[String] = DB readOnly { implicit session =>
  sql"select name from emp".map(rs => rs.string("name")).list.apply()

val e = Emp.syntax("e")
val name: Option[String] = DB readOnly { implicit session =>
  withSQL { select(e.result.name).from(Emp as e) }.map(_.string(e.name)).list.apply()

Foreach Operation

foreach allows you to make some side-effect in iterations. This API is useful for handling large ResultSet.

DB readOnly { implicit session =>
  sql"select name from emp" foreach { rs => out.write(rs.string("name")) }

val e = Emp.syntax("e")
DB readOnly { implicit session =>
  withSQL { select(e.result.name).from(Emp as e) }.foreach { rs => out.write(rs.string(e.name)) }

Update API

update executes java.sql.PreparedStatement#executeUpdate().

import scalikejdbc._, SQLInterpolation._

DB localTx { implicit session =>
  sql"""insert into emp (id, name, created_at) values (${id}, ${name}, ${DateTime.now})"""
  val id = sql"insert into emp (name, created_at) values (${name}, current_timestamp)"
  sql"update emp set name = ${newName} where id = ${id}".update.apply()
  sql"delete emp where id = ${id}".update.apply()

val column = Emp.column
DB localTx { implicit s =>
  withSQL { 
      column.id -> id,
      column.name -> name,
      column.createdAt -> DateTime.now)

  val id: Long = withSQL { 
    insert.into(Empy).namedValues(column.name -> name, column.createdAt -> sqls.currentTimestamp) 

  withSQL { update(Emp).set(column.name -> newName).where.eq(column.id, id) }.update.apply()
  withSQL { delete.from(Emp).where.eq(column.id, id) }.update.apply()

Execute API

execute executes java.sql.PreparedStatement#execute().

DB autoCommit { implicit session =>
  sql"create table emp (id integer primary key, name varchar(30))".execute.apply()

// QueryDSL doesn't support DDL yet.

Batch API

batch and batchByName executes java.sql.PreparedStatement#executeBatch().

import scalikejdbc._, SQLInterpolation._

DB localTx { implicit session =>
  val batchParams: Seq[Seq[Any]] = (2001 to 3000).map(i => Seq(i, "name" + i))
  sql"insert into emp (id, name) values (?, ?)".batch(batchParams: _*).apply()

val column = Emp.column
DB localTx { implicit session =>
  val batchParams: Seq[Seq[Any]] = (2001 to 3000).map(i => Seq(i, "name" + i))
  withSQL { 
    insert.into(Emp).namedValues(column.id -> sqls.?, column.name -> sqls.?)
  }.batch(batchParams: _*).apply()

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