WARNING: This page is a guide for 1.x series.


Contributers’ Guide

First, see the following guideline:



fork scalikejdbc.github.io project

Fork https://github.com/scalikejdbc/scalikejdbc.github.io.

change under the website directory

How to debug:

git clone [your forked repository].
cd scalikejdbc.github.io
gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec middleman server

Access http://localhost:4567/ from your browser.

make a pull request

Create a branch to request, and send your pull request to 1.x branch (not master branch).


fork scalikejdbc project

Fork https://github.com/scalikejdbc/scalikejdbc.

git clone [your forked repository].

modify and write tests

Modify code & write test.

run all the existing tests

Run all the tests at least with H2 database.

make a pull request

Create a branch to request, and send your pull request to develop branch (not master branch).



Issue Report, Wiki maintenance or any feedback

If this webpage has a typo or something wrong, Please report or fix it. How?