WARNING: This page is a guide for 1.x series.
Contributers’ Guide
First, see the following guideline:
fork scalikejdbc.github.io project
Fork https://github.com/scalikejdbc/scalikejdbc.github.io.
change under the website directory
How to debug:
git clone [your forked repository].
cd scalikejdbc.github.io
gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec middleman server
Access http://localhost:4567/
from your browser.
make a pull request
Create a branch to request, and send your pull request to 1.x
branch (not master
fork scalikejdbc project
Fork https://github.com/scalikejdbc/scalikejdbc.
git clone [your forked repository].
modify and write tests
Modify code & write test.
run all the existing tests
Run all the tests at least with H2 database.
make a pull request
Create a branch to request, and send your pull request to develop
branch (not master
- Kazuhiro Sera (@seratch)
- Manabu Nakamura (@gakuzzzz)
- Kenji Yoshida (@xuwei-k)
- Toshiyuki Takahashi (@tototoshi)
- Chris Birchall (@cb372)
- Kengo Asamizu (@rabitarochan)
- Michal Bernhard (@michalbcz)
- Shinobu Aoki (@emalock3)
- kxbmap (@kxbmap)
- Yusuke Arakaki (@Arakaki)
- ynomura (@kihn)
- Takeshi Hagikura (@hagikuratakeshi)
- Takuya Fujimura (@tlync)
- Shun Ozaki (@wozaki)
- kalinichenko (@kalinichenko)
- Takashi Kawachi (@tkawachi)
- todesking (@todesking)
Issue Report, Wiki maintenance or any feedback
- Aktau (@Aktau)
- janihur (@janihur)
- Cheong Chung Onn (@chungonn)
- Masahito Nakamura (@masahitojp)
- Toshiyuki Takahashi (@tototoshi)
- ys16 (@ys16)
- Simon Andersson (@ramn)
- malsmith (@malsmith)
- Jim Hunziker (@landtuna)
- opoppon (@opoppon)
- Seitaro Yuuki (@hexx)
- René Grüner Vangsgaard (@rvangsgaard)
- Kengo Asamizu (@rabitarochan)
- Kenji Yoshida (@xuwei-k)
- Gabriel Raineri (@graineri)
- 駄猫 (@daneko)
- Kazuo Kashima (@k4200)
- Daisuke Matsumoto (@daimatz)
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