Connection Pool
See /documentation/configuration
Borrowing Connections
Simply just call #borrow
import scalikejdbc._
// default
val conn: java.sql.Connection = ConnectionPool.borrow()
// named
val conn: java.sql.Connection = ConnectionPool('named).borrow()
Be careful. The connection object should be released by yourself.
Basically using loan pattern is recommended to avoid human errors.
using(ConnectionPool.borrow()) { conn =>
// do something
ScalikeJDBC wraps a java.sql.Connection
object as a scalikejdbc.DB
using(DB(ConnectionPool.borrow())) { db =>
// ...
object can provide DBSession
for each operation.
using(DB(ConnectionPool.borrow())) { db =>
db.readOnly { implicit session =>
// ...
Right, above code is too verbose! Using DB object make it much simpler.
You can simplify the same thins by using DB
or NamedDB
objects and it’s the common usage of ScalikeJDBC.
// default
DB readOnly { implicit session =>
// ...
// named
NamedDB('named) readOnly { implicit session =>
// ...
Reusing same DB instance several times
By default, scalikejdbc.DB
or scalikejdbc.NamedDB
instance always closes its connection (= releases and returns it to connection pools).
using(connectionPool.borrow()) { conn: java.sql.Connection =>
val db: DB = DB(conn)
db.localTx { implicit session =>
sql"update something set name = ${name} where id = ${id}".update.apply()
} // localTx or other APIs always close the connection to avoid connection leaks
// the Connection already has been closed here!
// java.sql.SQLException will be thrown!
db.localTx { implicit session =>
// ....
When you prefer reusing the same Connection without releasing and returning to connection pools, use DB#autoClose(Boolean)
using(connectionPool.borrow()) { conn: java.sql.Connection =>
val db: DB = DB(conn)
// set as auto-close disabled
db.localTx { implicit session =>
sql"update something set name = ${name} where id = ${id}".update.apply()
} // localTx won't close the current Connection
// this block also works fine!
db.localTx { implicit session =>
// ....
Thread-local Connection Pattern
You can share DB connections as thread-local values. The connection should be released by yourself.
def init() = {
val newDB = ThreadLocalDB.create(conn)
// after that..
def action() = {
val db = ThreadLocalDB.load()
def finalize() = {
try { ThreadLocalDB.load().close() } catch { case e => }
Replacing ConnectionPool on Runtime
You can replace ConnectionPool settings safely on runtime.
The old pool won’t be abandoned until all the borrowed connections are closed.
def doSomething = {
ConnectionPool.singleton("jdbc:h2:mem:db1", "user", "pass")
DB localTx { implicit s =>
// long transaction...
// overwrite singleton CP
ConnectionPool.singleton("jdbc:h2:mem:db2", "user", "pass")
// db1 connection pool is still available until this trancation is committed.
// Newly borrowed connections will access db2.
Using Another ConnectionPool Implementation
If you want to use another one which is not Commons DBCP as the connection provider, You can also specify your own ConnectionPoolFactory
as follows:
* c3p0 Connection Pool Factory
object C3P0ConnectionPoolFactory extends ConnectionPoolFactory {
override def apply(url: String, user: String, password: String,
settings: ConnectionPoolSettings = ConnectionPoolSettings()) = {
new C3P0ConnectionPool(url, user, password, settings)
* c3p0 Connection Pool
class C3P0ConnectionPool(
override val url: String,
override val user: String,
password: String,
override val settings: ConnectionPoolSettings = ConnectionPoolSettings())
extends ConnectionPool(url, user, password, settings) {
import com.mchange.v2.c3p0._
private[this] val _dataSource = new ComboPooledDataSource
override def dataSource: DataSource = _dataSource
override def borrow(): Connection = dataSource.getConnection()
override def numActive: Int = _dataSource.getNumBusyConnections(user, password)
override def numIdle: Int = _dataSource.getNumIdleConnections(user, password)
override def maxActive: Int = _dataSource.getMaxPoolSize
override def maxIdle: Int = _dataSource.getMaxPoolSize
override def close(): Unit = _dataSource.close()
implicit val factory = C3P0ConnectionPoolFactory
ConnectionPool.add('xxxx, url, user, password)
Switching ConnectionPool Implementation by configuration
When ConnectionPoolFactory
implementation already exists, it’s possible to specify it by configuration. By default, commons-dbcp ½ and bonecp are already prepared. When you’d like to add another ConnectionPoolFactory
, call repository’s add method like this:
scalikejdbc.ConnectionPoolFactoryRepository.add("name", YourConnectionPoolFactory)
Default: commons-dbcp2
ConnectionPool.singleton(url, user, password,
ConnectionPoolSettings(connectionPoolFactoryName = "commons-dbcp2"))
commons-dbcp 1.x
Previously, commons-dbcp 1.4 was the default connection pool for ScalikeJDBC. We don’t recomment using the older one now, but if you need to choose 1.4 instead for some reason, specifying commons-dbcp
ConnectionPool.singleton(url, user, password,
ConnectionPoolSettings(connectionPoolFactoryName = "commons-dbcp"))
dependency should be added by yourself.
libraryDependencies += "commons-dbcp" % "commons-dbcp" % "1.4"
ConnectionPool.singleton(url, user, password,
ConnectionPoolSettings(connectionPoolFactoryName = "bonecp"))
dependency should be added by yourself.
libraryDependencies += "com.jolbox" % "bonecp" % "0.8.0.RELEASE"
HikariCP expects dataSourceClassName. So we recommend using DataSourceConnectionPool.
val dataSource: DataSource = {
val ds = new HikariDataSource()
ds.addDataSourceProperty("url", url)
ds.addDataSourceProperty("user", user)
ds.addDataSourceProperty("password", password)
ConnectionPool.singleton(new DataSourceConnectionPool(dataSource))
dependency should be added by yourself.
libraryDependencies += "com.zaxxer" % "HikariCP" % "1.3.+"