Connection Pool


For details on setting up your connection pool, please visit the /documentation/configuration page.

Borrowing Connections

To borrow a connection, simply use the #borrow() method:

import scalikejdbc._
// default connection
val conn: java.sql.Connection = ConnectionPool.borrow()
// named connection
val conn: java.sql.Connection = ConnectionPool("named").borrow()

It is important to manually release the connection. To prevent errors, employing the so-called loan pattern is recommended:

using(ConnectionPool.borrow()) { conn =>
  // do something

ScalikeJDBC encapsulates a java.sql.Connection in a scalikejdbc.DB object for safer, easier management:

using(DB(ConnectionPool.borrow())) { db =>
  // perform database operations

The DB object simplifies managing DBSession for different operations:

using(DB(ConnectionPool.borrow())) { db =>
  db.readOnly { implicit session =>
    // read-only operations

However, this can be made simpler by directly using the DB or NamedDB objects, which is the most common way to use this library:

// default
DB readOnly { implicit session =>
  // ...
// named
NamedDB("named") readOnly { implicit session =>
  // ...

Reusing same DB instance several times

By default, scalikejdbc.DB or scalikejdbc.NamedDB instance closes its connection automatically (= releases and returns it to connection pools).

using(connectionPool.borrow()) { (conn: java.sql.Connection) => 
  val db: DB = DB(conn)

  db.localTx { implicit session =>
    sql"update something set name = ${name} where id = ${id}".update.apply()
  } // localTx or other APIs always close the connection to avoid connection leaks

  // Connection is already closed here, using it again will throw an SQLException!
  db.localTx { implicit session =>
    // ....

To reuse the same connection without returning it to the connection pool, disable auto-close through DB#autoClose(Boolean):

using(connectionPool.borrow()) { (conn: java.sql.Connection) => 
  val db: DB = DB(conn)

  // set as auto-close disabled

  db.localTx { implicit session =>
    sql"update something set name = ${name} where id = ${id}".update.apply()
  } // localTx won't close the current Connection

  // Reuse the connection for another transaction
  db.localTx { implicit session =>
    // ....

Thread-local Connection Pattern

Connections can be managed as thread-local variables, needing explicit closure (meaning you’re responsible to manually close the session):

def init() = {
  val newDB = ThreadLocalDB.create(conn)
// after that..
def action() = {
  val db = ThreadLocalDB.load()
def finalize() = {
  try { ThreadLocalDB.load().close() } catch { case e => }

Replacing ConnectionPool on Runtime

ConnectionPool settings can be safely changed at runtime without disrupting existing connections:

def doSomething = {
  ConnectionPool.singleton("jdbc:h2:mem:db1", "user", "pass")
  DB localTx { implicit s =>
    // long transaction...

    // overwrite singleton CP
    ConnectionPool.singleton("jdbc:h2:mem:db2", "user", "pass")

    // db1 connection pool is still available until this trancation is committed.
    // Newly borrowed connections will access db2.

Using Another ConnectionPool Implementation

To utilize a different connection pool provider, such as c3p0, define your own ConnectionPoolFactory:

 * c3p0 Connection Pool Factory
object C3P0ConnectionPoolFactory extends ConnectionPoolFactory {
  override def apply(url: String, user: String, password: String,
    settings: ConnectionPoolSettings = ConnectionPoolSettings()) = {
    new C3P0ConnectionPool(url, user, password, settings)

 * c3p0 Connection Pool
class C3P0ConnectionPool(
  override val url: String,
  override val user: String,
  password: String,
  override val settings: ConnectionPoolSettings = ConnectionPoolSettings())
  extends ConnectionPool(url, user, password, settings) {

  import com.mchange.v2.c3p0._
  private[this] val _dataSource = new ComboPooledDataSource

  override def dataSource: DataSource = _dataSource
  override def borrow(): Connection = dataSource.getConnection()
  override def numActive: Int = _dataSource.getNumBusyConnections(user, password)
  override def numIdle: Int = _dataSource.getNumIdleConnections(user, password)
  override def maxActive: Int = _dataSource.getMaxPoolSize
  override def maxIdle: Int = _dataSource.getMaxPoolSize
  override def close(): Unit = _dataSource.close()

implicit val factory = C3P0ConnectionPoolFactory
ConnectionPool.add("xxxx", url, user, password)

Switching ConnectionPool Implementation by configuration

When a ConnectionPoolFactory implementation is already in place, it can be configured for use. By default, ScalikeJDBC comes pre-configured with commons-dbcp ½ and bonecp. If you need to integrate a different ConnectionPoolFactory, you can add it to the repository as follows:

scalikejdbc.ConnectionPoolFactoryRepository.add("name", YourConnectionPoolFactory)

Default: commons-dbcp2

ConnectionPool.singleton(url, user, password, 
  ConnectionPoolSettings(connectionPoolFactoryName = "commons-dbcp2"))

commons-dbcp 1.x

Previously, commons-dbcp 1.4 served as the default connection pool for ScalikeJDBC. While it is no longer recommended, if there is a specific reason to use version 1.4, it can still be specified as commons-dbcp in the configuration.

ConnectionPool.singleton(url, user, password, 
  ConnectionPoolSettings(connectionPoolFactoryName = "commons-dbcp"))

commons-dbcp dependency should be added by yourself.

libraryDependencies += "commons-dbcp" % "commons-dbcp" % "1.4"


HikariCP expects dataSourceClassName. So we recommend using DataSourceConnectionPool.

val dataSource: DataSource = {
  val ds = new HikariDataSource()
  ds.addDataSourceProperty("url", url)
  ds.addDataSourceProperty("user", user)
  ds.addDataSourceProperty("password", password)
ConnectionPool.singleton(new DataSourceConnectionPool(dataSource))

HikariCP dependency should be added by yourself.

libraryDependencies += "com.zaxxer" % "HikariCP" % "3.+"

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