Rich O/R Mapper

For those who require more robust functionalities, consider using scalikejdbc-orm. This extension is an O/R mapper built on top of the ScalikeJDBC core library, drawing significant inspiration from Ruby on Rails’ ActiveRecord library.

Efficient Data Fetching with Join Queries / Eager Loading

One of the standout features of scalikejdbc-orm is its ability to efficiently handle data associations, effectively eliminating the common N+1 query problem. This is achieved through the smart use of join queries in resolving associations like #belongsTo, #hasOne, and #hasMany/#hasManyThrough. These are processed behind the scenes, allowing you to focus on your application without worrying about performance degradation due to N+1 issues.

While join queries are suitable for many scenarios, some complex data relationships might require a different approach. For such use cases, you can do eager loading (i.e. resolve the main entity and then perform in-clause query to resolve deep nested associations) with the #includes method.


In addition to the core library, add the library along with a JDBC driver and logging tool:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "org.scalikejdbc" %% "scalikejdbc-orm" % "4.3.0",
  "com.h2database"  %  "h2"              % "2.2.224",
  "ch.qos.logback"  %  "logback-classic" % "1.5.6"

Quick Example

Save the following code as example.scala:

import java.time.ZonedDateTime

import scalikejdbc.*
import scalikejdbc.orm.*
import scalikejdbc.orm.timstamps.TimestampsFeature

case class Email(
  id: Long,
  memberId: Long,
  address: String,
object Email extends CRUDMapper[Email] {
  override lazy val tableName = "member_email"
  lazy val defaultAlias = createAlias("me")
  def extract(rs: WrappedResultSet, e: ResultName[Email]): Email = autoConstruct(rs, e)

case class Member(
  id: Long,
  name: Option[String],
  createdAt: ZonedDateTime,
  updatedAt: Option[ZonedDateTime],
  email: Option[Email] = None,
object Member extends CRUDMapper[Member] with TimestampsFeature[Member] {
  lazy val defaultAlias = createAlias("m")
  def extract(rs: WrappedResultSet, n: ResultName[Member]): Member = autoConstruct(rs, n, "email")

  val email = hasOne[Email](Email, (m, e) => m.copy(email = e))

object Example extends App {
  // ### Database connection ###
  ConnectionPool.singleton("jdbc:h2:mem:hello;MODE=PostgreSQL", "user", "pass")
  implicit val session: DBSession = AutoSession

  // ### Create tables ###
  sql"""create table member (
    id serial not null primary key,
    name varchar(64),
    created_at timestamp not null,
    updated_at timestamp
  sql"""create table member_email (
    id serial not null primary key,
    member_id int not null,
    address varchar(256) not null

  val m = Member.column

  // ### Insert rows ###
  val ids = Seq("Alice", "Bob", "Chris") map { name =>
    // insert into member (name, created_at, updated_at) values ('Alice', '2024-05-11 14:52:27.13', '2024-05-11 14:52:27.13');
    Member.createWithNamedValues(m.name -> name)

  // ### Find all rows ###
  // select m.id as i_on_m, m.name as n_on_m, m.created_at as ca_on_m, m.updated_at as ua_on_m from member m order by m.id;
  val allMembers1: Seq[Member] = Member.findAll()
  // select m.id as i_on_m, m.name as n_on_m, m.created_at as ca_on_m, m.updated_at as ua_on_m from member m where m.id in (1, 2, 3);
  val allMembers2: Seq[Member] = Member.findAllByIds(ids*)

  // ### Run queries with where conditions ###
  // Quick way but less type-safety
  // select m.id as i_on_m, m.name as n_on_m, m.created_at as ca_on_m, m.updated_at as ua_on_m from member m where m.name = 'Alice' order by m.id;
  val member1: Seq[Member] = Member.where("name" -> "Alice").apply()
  // Types-safe query builder
  // select m.id as i_on_m, m.name as n_on_m, m.created_at as ca_on_m, m.updated_at as ua_on_m from member m where name = 'Alice' order by m.id;
  val member2: Seq[Member] = Member.where(sqls.eq(m.name, "Alice")).apply()

  val memberId = member2.head.id

  // ### Run join queries ###
  val e = Email.column
  // insert into member_email (member_id, address) values (1, 'a@example.com');
  Email.createWithNamedValues(e.memberId -> memberId, e.address -> "a@example.com")

  // Note that member3.email exists while it does not in member1,2
  // select m.id as i_on_m, m.name as n_on_m, m.created_at as ca_on_m, m.updated_at as ua_on_m , me.id as i_on_me, me.member_id as mi_on_me, me.address as a_on_me from member m left join member_email me on m.id = me.member_id where name = 'Alice' order by m.id;
  val member3 = Member.joins(Member.email).where(sqls.eq(m.name, "Alice")).apply()

  // ### Update/delete rows ###
  // update member set updated_at = '2024-05-11 14:52:27.188', name = 'Ace' where id = 1;
  Member.updateById(memberId).withAttributes("name" -> "Ace")
  // delete from member where id = 1;

Run the code by the sbt run command. How did it go?


The key feature of ORM is definitely how it resolves associations for developers. ScalikeJDBC ORM does it in a quite similar way to ActiveRecord from Ruby on Rails. In this section, we will guide you on how to define assocations in code.

In the realm of O/R mapper, the hallmark feature lies in its ability to effortlessly resolve associations for developers. ScalikeJDBC ORM achieves this with a striking resemblance to ActiveRecord from Ruby on Rails. In the following section, we’ll walk you through defining associations in your code.

This test code provides invaluable insights for learning. If you’re unable to find specific examples here, referring to the code will be greatly helpful.


The hasOne relationship signifies that table A is referenced from table B via table A’s primary key. Your code aims to include table B’s data within the entity of table A. In the following example, the Member entity (representing table A) includes a name property, which can be resolved using the member_id column within the Name entity (representing table B).

import scalikejdbc.*
import scalikejdbc.orm.*

case class Member(
  id: Long,
  name: Option[Name] = None,
object Member extends CRUDMapper[Member] {
  override val tableName = "members"
  override val defaultAlias = createAlias("m")
  override def extract(rs: WrappedResultSet, n: ResultName[Member]): Member = autoConstruct(rs, rn, "name")

  val name: Association[Member] = hasOne[Name](Name, (m, name) => m.copy(name = name))

case class Name(
  memberId: Long,
  first: String,
  last: String,

object Name extends CRUDMapper[Name] {
  override val useAutoIncrementPrimaryKey = false
  override val tableName = "names"
  override val primaryKeyFieldName = "memberId"
  override val defaultAlias = createAlias("nm")

  def extract(rs: WrappedResultSet, s: ResultName[Name]): Name = autoConstruct(rs, s)

Your code can run queries this way:

// Finder method style
val member: Option[Member] = Member.joins(Member.name).findById(123)

// Querying API style
val member: Option[Member] = Member.joins(Member.name).where(sqls.eq(m.id, 123)).apply()

If table B has a row with member_id: 123, member.map(_.name) is present. When you can assume the name already exists and would like to resolve the data at any time, add #byDefault method call to the hasOne call as below. In this case, you’ll never need to have the reference to the result. Thus, you can remove Member.name property.

object Member extends CRUDMapper[Member] {
  // ....

  hasOne[Name](Name, (m, name) => m.copy(name = name)).byDefault

This #byDefault method is available for all other association APIs.


The belongsTo relationship indicates that table B is referenced from table A via table B’s primary key. Your code aims to incorporate table B’s data into the entity of table A. In the following example, the Member entity (representing table A) includes a company property, which can be resolved using the company_id column within the entity. From another perspective, the Company entity (representing table B) does not contain any information about Member (table A).

import scalikejdbc.*
import scalikejdbc.orm.*

case class Member(
  id: Long,
  name: String,
  companyId: Optional[Long],
  company: Option[Company] = None,
object Member extends CRUDMapper[Member] {
  override val defaultAlias = createAlias("m")
  override def extract(rs: WrappedResultSet, n: ResultName[Member]): Member = autoConstruct(rs, rn, "company")

  val company = belongsTo[Company](Company, (m, c) => m.copy(company = c))

case class Company(
  id: Long,
  name: String,
object Company extends CRUDMapper[Company] {
 override val defaultAlias = createAlias("c")
  def extract(rs: WrappedResultSet, s: ResultName[Name]): Name = autoConstruct(rs, s)

Here is a code snippet demonstrating how to perform join queries:

val c = Company.column
val abc = Company.createWithNamedValues(c.name, "ABC Company")
val m = Member.column
Member.createWithNamedValues(m.name -> "Kaz", m.companyId -> abc.map(_.id))

val member: Option[Member] =
  Member.joins(Member.company).where(sqls.eq(m.name, "Kaz")).apply()

As mentioned above, once you add byDefault call to the belongsTo code line, you can omit .joins(Member.company) in the code.


The hasMany relationship denotes that table A is referenced from table B via table A’s primary key. Your code seeks to include multiple rows from table B into the entity of table A. In the following example, the Company entity (representing table A) contains a members property, which can be resolved using the company_id column on the Member entity side (representing table B).

import scalikejdbc.*
import scalikejdbc.orm.*

case class Company(
  id: Long,
  name: String,
  members: Seq[Member] = Nil,
object Company extends CRUDMapper[Company] {
  override val defaultAlias = createAlias("c")
  def extract(rs: WrappedResultSet, s: ResultName[Name]): Name = autoConstruct(rs, s, "members")

  val members = hasMany[Member](
    many = Member -> Member.defaultAlias,
    on = (c, ms) => sqls.eq(c.id, ms.companyId),
    merge = (c, ms) => c.copy(members = ms)

case class Member(
  id: Long,
  name: String,
  companyId: Optional[Long],
object Member extends CRUDMapper[Member] {
  override val defaultAlias = createAlias("m")
  override def extract(rs: WrappedResultSet, n: ResultName[Member]): Member = autoConstruct(rs, rn)

Here is a code snippet demonstrating how to perform join queries:

val c = Company.column
val gf = Company.createWithNamedValues(c.name, "Good Flow")
val companyId = gf.get.id
val m = Member.column
Seq("Kaz", "Yu", "Ken") foreach { name => 
  Member.createWithNamedValues(m.name -> name, m.companyId -> companyId)

// company.map(_.members) is a list of three entities
val company: Option[Company] =

If everything goes well, company.map(_.members) should be a list of three entitiy objects.


The hasManyThrough relationship operates similarly to hasMany, but with a crucial distinction: it involves a join table that manages the relationship between table A and table B.

import scalikejdbc.*
import scalikejdbc.orm.*

case class Member(
  id: Long,
  name: String,
  skills: Seq[Skill] = Nil,
object Member extends CRUDMapper[Member] {
  override val defaultAlias = createAlias("m")
  override def extract(rs: WrappedResultSet, n: ResultName[Member]): Member = autoConstruct(rs, rn, "skills")

  val skills = hasManyThrough[Skill](
    (member, ss) => member.copy(skills = ss)

case class Skill(id: Long, name: String)
object Skill extends CRUDMapper[Skill] {
  override val defaultAlias = createAlias("s")
  override def extract(rs: WrappedResultSet, s: ResultName[Skill]): Skill = autoConstruct(rs, s)

case class MemberSkill(memberId: Long, skillId: Long)
object MemberSkill extends JoinTable[MemberSkill] {
  override val defaultAlias = createAlias("ms")

Here is a code snippet demonstrating how to perform join queries:

val alice: Option[Member] =

The alice.map(_.skills) should be a list of Skill entities if some skills are saved in the “member_skill” table.

includes (Eager Loading)

When enabling eager loading via the includes API, it’s necessary to define both the belongsTo etc. and includes within the same association claim.

object Member extends SkinnyCRUDMapper[Member] {
  // Unfortunately, in Scala 2.10.x, the combination of Scala macros and type-dynamic may not always behave as expected, particularly when defining "val company". 
  // If you encounter this issue, consider using alternatives such as "val companyOpt", "companyRef", and so on.
  lazy val companyOpt = {
    // Do normal belongsTo def first
    belongsTo[Company](Company, merge = (m, c) => m.copy(company = c))
    // Then attach includes following the claim API call
      merge = (members, companies) => members.map { m =>
        companies.find(c => m.company.exists(_.id == c.id)).map(c => m.copy(company = Some(c))).getOrElse(m)

// This line of code performs two queries
// 1) simple select query to fetch all the member table rows
// 2) select query with in clause of IDs toward the company table
// And then the ORM binds the 2) results to relevant entity using the merge function

Here is another example with hasManyThrough:

object Member extends SkinnyCRUDMapper[Member] {
  lazy val skills =
      (m, skills) => m.copy(skills = skills)
      (ms, skills) => ms.map { m => m.copy(skills = skills.filter(_.memberId.exists(_ == m.id))) }

Member.includes(Member.skills).findById(123) // with skills

Please note that eager loading of more deeply nested entities is not currently supported.

While it could be feasible with a dynamic programming language like Ruby, achieving the same functionality with a strictly typed language like Scala is quite challenging. At present, we don’t have any plans to enhance this feature unless the Scala language provides a revolutionary hack for us to leverage.

For more examples and hands-on learning, please refer to this example working code. If you have any questions or feature requests, don’t hesitate to submit them on GitHub!

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